The story follows the famous actor Dagi who suddenly gets sick. While in the hospital, with the help of psychodrama, he begins a search of his own identity.
- Country:
- Serbia, 2019
- Group:
- SERBIAN FILM (Serbia & Friends)
- Duration:
- 112'
- Director:
- Goran Marković
- Screenplay:
- Goran Marković
- Cast:
- Tihomir Stanić, Gorica Popović, Anita Mančić, Dragan Petrović, Igor Đorđević, Bereda Rešit, Milica Zarić, Nada Šargin, Svetozar Cvetković, Miodrag Krstović, Maša Dakić
- Filmography:
- 2019 Delirijum tremens / Delirium tremens
2016 Slepi putnik na brodu ludaka / A Stowaway on the Ship of Lunatics (TV film)
2012 Falsifikator / The Forger
2008 Turneja / The Tour
2003 Kordon
1995 Urnebesna tragedija / Hilarious Tragedy
1992 Tito i ja / Tito and Me
1989 Sabirni centar / The Meeting Point
1987 Već viđeno / Déjà vu
1985 Tajvanska kanasta / Taiwan Canasta
1982 Variola vera
1980 Majstori, majstori!
1978 Nacionalna klasa / National Class Category up to 785 ccm
1977 Specijalno vaspitanje / Special education - Cinematography:
- Đorđe Arambašić
- Editing:
- Tihomir Dukić, Marko Tisovec
- Music:
- Zoran Simjanović
Time: 19:30
Price: 400 RSD
Time: 12:00
Price: 300 RSD
Time: 22:00
Price: 350 RSD
Cinegrand - Capitol Park Rakovica, sala 1
Time: 17:00
Price: 250 RSD
Centar za kulturu ‘Vlada Divljan’
Time: 16:30
Price: 300 RSD
Art bioskop Kolarac
One of the most distinguished Serbian directors, Goran Marković was born in 1946 in Belgrade. He studied film directing in Prague (1965-70). He began his career as a director of documentary films for TV (1970-76). Since 1976 he has directed feature films and documentaries. His feature films Déjà vu, The Meeting Point, Tito and Me, and The Tour won numerous awards in international film festivals.
Goran Marković wrote six theatre plays, including Delirium tremens which had a successful run at the Belgrade Drama Theatre. He is Professor emeritus of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade.
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