The film plot, which revolves around several different but intertwined stories, begins to unfold when one autumn day two kids with butterflies in their stomach and flushed cheeks meet on the bridge, their place, in order to confide something very important to each other. On the same day a chain of events is set in motion and that is no coincidence. Until the end of death tells the story about people in search of love, happiness, forgiveness, people who do not give up and believe that to love means to love forever.
- Country:
- Croatia, 2018
- Group:
- Fest presents
- Duration:
- 108’
- Director:
- Anđelo Jurkas
- Screenplay:
- Anđelo Jurkas
- Cast:
- Judita Franković Brdar, Jelena Veljača, Bojana Gregorić Vejzović, Nikša Butijer, Leon Lučev, Tara Rosandić
- Festivals:
- 2018 Pula / Pula Film Festival
- Filmography:
- 2018 Do kraja smrti / Until the End of Death
2018 Happy End
2017 Fuck Off I Love You
2016 Zbog tebe - Cinematography:
- Danijel Kovačević
- Editing:
- Ivan Neff
- Music:
- Lunar
- Producer:
- Danijel Kovačević, Dino Senčar, Anđelo Jurkas
- Production:
- DOP Produkcija, Media Park, Ratio Video , Studio 25, Neon
- Distributer:
- Con Film
Time: 22:00
Price: 350 RSD
Jugoslovenska kinoteka, Makavejev Hall
Time: 16:30
Price: 400 RSD
Cineplexx UŠĆE Shopping Center, sala 1
Time: 20:30
Price: 350 RSD
Art bioskop Kolarac
Time: 22:00
Price: 300 RSD
Centar za kulturu ‘Vlada Divljan’
Anđelo (Angelo) Jurkas is a Croatian director, writer, musician, music and film critic. He graduated from the Faculty of Law and The Faculty of Teacher Education at the University of Zagreb. He has directed feature films, documentaries, commercials, music and experimental video formats. Jurkas has written ten self-published novels and made several TV shows, four solo music albums and numerous music videos. He is the author of the first trilogy in the history of feature film in Croatia and the region, composed of three films: Zbog tebe, Fuck off I Love You and Happy End. His feature film Until the End of Death from 2018 was included in the official competition of the 65th Pula Film Festival. This is the first time in the history of the Festival and Croatian film that one director has participated for two years in a row in official competition with three feature films.
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